
Fuzzy controller matlab simulink
Fuzzy controller matlab simulink

fuzzy controller matlab simulink fuzzy controller matlab simulink

Switch of the Sepic converter is to be operated at high switching frequency for effective control and small size of components like inductors. In this project, the front end Sepic DC-DC converter maintains the DC link voltage to a set reference value. These BLDC motors are not limited to household applications, but these are suitable for other applications such as medical equipment, transportation, HVAC, motion control, and many industrial tools. The use of the brushless direct current (BLDC) motor is becoming very common due to features of high efficiency, high flux density per unit volume, low maintenance requirements, and low electromagnetic-interference problems. A MATLAB/ Simulink environment is used to simulate the developed model to achieve a wide range of speed control with high PF (Power Factor) and improved PQ (Power Quality) at the supply. A sensor less control of BLDC motor is used to eliminate the requirement of Hall Effect position sensors. The DC link capacitor of the Sepic converter is followed by a VSI which is feeding a BLDC motor.

fuzzy controller matlab simulink

The Sepic converter is working as a frontend converter operating in DICM (Discontinuous Inductor Current Mode) and thus using a voltage follower approach. Voltage of a DC link capacitor of Sepic converter is controlled to achieve the speed control of BLDC motor. A novel PFC (Power Factor Corrected) Converter using SEPIC DC-DC converter feeding a BLDC (Brush Less DC) motor drive using a single voltage sensor is proposed.

Fuzzy controller matlab simulink